A sampling of my photos are the bottom of the page

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  • Home links to this page
  • Trips & Events  –  Photos organized by trips and events.
    • This section contains the majority of my photos, currently over 5,000
  • Compilations  –  Photos organized by subject or other criteria
  • Videos link is to various videos taken over the years.
  • RV Info – We buy a travel trailer and dive into the RV lifestyle.

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About my photography
My photography is mostly landscapes of Western United States. I like traveling to locations off the beaten path and a number of my photos reflect that.

Photography is an interesting blend of technology and art, the medium has complexity and sees things a bit differently than the eye. Being an computer engineer the technology side of it comes easier for me, while the art side continues to grow.

I like this quote, and try to follow it when I pick up a camera.

My first thought is always of light.  – Galen Rowell

Below is just a sampler of some of my photos.   A Cliff’s Notes so to speak of my collection.